Friday 20 September 2013

Antiviral - 6.2 : iMDB

I have no idea where this film came from, probably the same list as Home Run, as it seems in the same ilk.  iMDB treats this horribly - giving it a 5.5, and some of the reviews that follow put that to question, and I probably have to agree with the reviews, as there's more to it than just a slightly disturbing overture.

It's set in the future and handles a tricky subject, and I suppose in a way is a little gory.  I explained the concept to someone without them watching the film, and they struggled for any other reaction than "eww".

I think there's quite something to this movie, and if you're going to watch it (I'm not saying you should), then only do so if you like thinking about films, and have the time to focus on it.  Don't be put off by the blood.

This one gets a 6.2, and could possibly have been higher but with people whizzing around my head all day I couldn't really focus on it too much.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Home Run - 6.7 : iMDB

I found a list somewhere.. (I really need to save these lists!) of the best limited release films of 2013 to watch, and this was on it.

I struggled to get in to the start of this film, the audio was pretty tiny like a lot of limited releases, but gradually as the film went on I grew in to it.  It's quite a nice little story, and there's some quite good acting and some dreadful acting.

Feel good, but not amazing, gets a 6.7!

Saturday 7 September 2013

Shooter - 7.2 : iMDB

I watched this a long time ago, and didn't think much of it, but then I watch a lot of films, and sometimes never really switch on to when people tell me to rewatch things, and when I find out I hadn't even noticed that Michael Pena was in it, I figured i'd give it another go!

Now Michael Pena is one of those guys that could go on to do some really great things, and I think he's been showing that potential for a while, and he's in my 2013 top 5.  In this, he's really good, and it's 5 years ago - so again, no idea what I was thinking when I watched it the first time!

The film itself is a simple concept, put together quite nicely, and once you get over the fact it's Wahlberg of old, even he actually plays quite a good part in this film, and I have to say I quite enjoyed it.

I've given it 7.2, very near the IMDb score of 7.1!

Sound City - 8 : iMDB

I knew there was one i'd forgotten about on the plane!

I didn't have any idea what to expect with this, and it's another music documentary, but this time put together by Dave Grohl, who by all accounts, is insanely talented.

I'm not going to say too much about this film, but it's a story of the importance of music and sound above all, and how Grohl has tried to bring together the influences on not only his life but music as a whole to make an album.  Which i'm yet to listen to!

So while i'm off finding the album, go ahead and watch this belter, which gets an 8!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

2Guns - 7.9 : iMDB

And the 8th film of the weekend...there's nothing quite like an impromptu trip to the cinema on a sunday night and a good catchup with an old mate!

This film got #1 at the US box office and came with some really good reviews, but so did Fast & Furious, so I wasn't sure how good this was going to be.

I'm glad to say that I was really surprised, it's actually put together very well, has some great twists and has a very mild touch of the Tarantinos...

Denzel does what he does, and really plays a very good part in this film, while Wahlberg, who has his critics (me included), actually excels in this.  I think it's very much the role is made for him, but at the same time, he still has to make the part his own, and he does it with ease.

I tried to pick faults with this film while watching it, but every time I expected something stupid to happen, it simply didn't.

It gets a 7.9, not quite pushing the 8 barrier, although I was close!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Pain & Gain - 7.3 : iMDB

I noticed someone had mentioned this film this morning so I figured I'd give it a go and see what the deal was.  They liked it, so why shouldn't I? was actually OK, again, another true story, and they make a lot of this in the film.  I may go and buy the book that it's based on, it would be a good/funny read I think.

So let's break it down, some bodybuilders, some torture, drugs, and money, oh and stupidness.

I think it's fair to say this films pretty funny, and all three play quite a good role in it, and they make it quite an enjoyable film, especially for a Sunday morning!

It gets a 7.3, so go ahead and watch it!

The Notebook - 8.5 : iMDB

...should I start with getting it out of the way? Yes... I did watch it (three times so far!), and I did so alone... and out of choice!

Now that's out of the way, let's talk about how much of a fantastic story this is, or at least a beautiful way to deliver a traditional tale of love.  I don't think there's anything quite so different with the story itself, but the way it's told makes it really hit the spot.

And the way in which James Garner portrays the elderly Noah really does work quite well.

If you like films, watch this, definitely.  If you're scared of being judged, then you may want to stay away!

It gets an 8.5.